Nature and Outdoor Sports

Itineraries and tips

Montecatini's surroundings are rich in wooded areas to explore.

Two beautiful loop trails start from the village, passing through forests, fields and old roads and providing beautiful views. Throughout the Cecina Valley trekking and ebikes are in grand es development.

Don't miss the trip to the Masso delle Fanciulle: a stretch of the Cecina River that between Saline di Volterra and Pomarance, right in the middle of the Berignone Forest, forms wonderful natural pools of crystal clear water.

Bicycle enthusiasts will find great satisfaction in our area, both road and dirt. For hiking enthusiasts there are three important nature reserves in Alta Val di Cecina: Berignone, Monterufoli Caselli and Montenero.
Much practiced in Montecatini are mushroom picking and hunting, both in public areas and in reserves.